Maven Setup

Base Setup

Maven is our choice for building and compiling plugins to actually runnable .jar files.
An example Maven compile file would look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi=""




There are three relevant parts in the pom.xml for the beginning:

  • project configuration: the groupId, artifactId and version are base configuration variables for your own plugin.
  • dependencies: The java frameworks / applications your plugin depends on. By default, only the Waterdog dependency is required there.
  • build configuration: the configuration targetting the build / compile process. Here we set the java version the plugin should compile to and the encoding all files should have. If you use more dependencies, shading will be required.


When using more than just the default waterdog dependency and included libraries, you will be required to shade your artifact. What that basically means is that we are including all the dependencies your plugin uses in one artifact (jar). This requires modifying our pom.xml.


Don't be surprised if your artifact file increases in size. As we are now including all the libraries in the artifact, the file size is of course a bit larger.