Recently Updated Pages

Software Compatibility

WaterdogPE is currently not compatible with every server software. This table should show which o...


Maven Project Setup Create a new maven project in IDE of your choice. We recommend you to use Je...

Events Guide

Events allow developers to execute own piece of code when something important happens (fe. player...

Fallback & Join Handler

Introduction The IJoinHandler and IReconnectHandler interfaces are providing plugins with an eas...

Proxy Communication

Its common that bigger networks requires some synchronization and communication between downstrea...

Scheduling Task

To submit custom repeating, delayed, async tasks WDPE has implemented WaterdogScheduler. Accessi...

Starting Waterdog

To start pre-compiled WaterdogPE (WDPE) you will need Java 11 installed. If you want to start pro...


This page covers errors casually reported by users and how to resolve them. Setup Access proxy ...

Integrating with slappers / NPCs

Goal Many want to integrate WaterdogPE with NPCs to be able to transfer players by clicking an N...

Proxy Configuration

WaterdogPE uses config.yml file to store all general settings which will be loaded on startup. De...

Maven Setup

Base Setup Maven is our choice for building and compiling plugins to actually runnable .jar file...

Client Setup

Client is used to communicate with StarGate server. In Minecraft environment, we know clients as ...

Server Setup

Configuring and starting default StarGate server shouldn't be problem. StarGate server comes as p...

StarGate Modules

StarGate project is based and uses Maven for building and compiling. Everything is compiled using...

Commands Guide

Proxy Commands Command class A base proxy command is represented by a class extending dev.water...


What you will need: An suitable IDE supporting maven. We recommend using either IntelliJ or Ec...